Friday, November 2, 2012

Interactive WhiteBoards in the Classroom

The IWB in the classroom is a fantastic way to engage the students after a period of lecture or learning. It gets them out of their chairs and moving around, interacting with the board.  There are numerous ways to include interactive activity in the flipcharts. Using a storyboard, I can easily map out a lesson plan or activities, and create them on my computer at home. IWB allows the advantage of preparing lessons at home as well as saving files on USB to carry around! This can easily accommodate teachers so they do not having to be at the IWB to create a flipchart.  In an art classroom, I believe the IWB can provide another perspective of art activities other than creating art manually. Instead, students can learn about aspects of design, computer or graphic art, or even view historical works of art. Even videos can be embedded in flipcharts to view art making techniques. Art can even be CREATED on the IWB by using the paint bucket, paintbrush, pen, or eraser tools! In addition, lessons can consist of art vocabulary terms.

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